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The president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, Tim Vines, will give a graduation address to more than 1,200 degree recipients at Auburn University’s graduation ceremonies Saturday, Aug. 4. Vines graduated from Auburn in 1988 with a degree in finance.
The local foods movement continues to grow in the U.S., with an increasing number of consumers wanting to know where their food comes from and buying it at farmers markets and through community-supported agriculture programs. It’s a social, face-to-face process that creates a connection with the families producing it.
Industry partnerships fuel the work of Auburn University’s Government and Economic Development Institute (GEDI) to train tomorrow’s government and economic leaders. A recent multi-year commitment from Spire will ensure the institute meets economic development needs of leaders, communities and organizations throughout Alabama for years to come.
Students who attended a new arts program this summer, piloted during the Boys & Girls Club summer camps in Auburn from June through July, will showcase the music, production and reading skills they developed with a free, public presentation Thursday, July 26, at 5 p.m. at the Boykin Gymnasium.
Auburn University’s Southeastern Raptor Center, in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, will release an immature adult bald eagle Saturday, July 28, at West Point Lake near LaGrange, Georgia.
A pair of Harrison School of Pharmacy students are teaming up to help those in need in Lee County. Adam Archer and Carl Okerberg, both members of the pharmacy class of 2020, have initiated a program to increase vaccination rates and address barriers to medication access and adherence.
J. Mike Phillips, head of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University, will join Auburn University Aug. 15 as associate dean for Extension in the College of Agriculture and assistant director for agriculture, forestry and natural resource Extension programs.
Auburn University Chief Operating Officer and former Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess will receive an honorary Doctor of Strategic Intelligence degree at the National Intelligence University’s July 27 commencement ceremony.
Auburn University has been selected by Delta Air Lines as one of eight colleges to launch the Delta Propel Pilot Career Path Program. The program will help identify, select and develop the next generation of pilots. Each student selected for the program will be matched with a Delta pilot as a mentor, and the students will receive a Qualified Job Offer from Delta, detailing a defined path and an accelerated timeline to become a Delta pilot.
Auburn University’s Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project was recently awarded $40,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts for visual arts classes and workshops.
Rural Studio, a student-centered Design/Build program in Auburn University’s College of Architecture, Design and Construction, announces that it has begun collaboration with Fannie Mae to support the school’s ongoing development of beautiful, healthy and resilient houses that afford financially vulnerable homeowners the ability to live in dignity, security, and well within their means.
Auburn commuters can expect partial lane closures beginning mid-July as construction of the five-story, 600-space South College Street Parking Deck begins on College Street between Roosevelt Drive and the main entrance to The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.
A 2018 Auburn University graduate has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, bringing Auburn's number of Fulbright Scholarship recipients for this year to seven. Six other recipients were previously announced in May.
Bill Capps has always considered himself a regular guy.
Brad Bayuga, a senior in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering majoring in software engineering and minoring in German, has been awarded the Congress-Bundestag Exchange for Young Professionals Fellowship. This intensive international program, funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Department of State, selects 75 American and 75 German young professionals between the ages of 18-24 to spend one year in each other’s country, studying, interning and living with host families.
Cost and efficiency are high on the list of concerns for Alabama farmers and equally high on the list of priorities for Auburn University researchers.
In Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, a surplus of abandoned, loose and stray animals is a common and sad sight. Animal overpopulation has left many animals to fend for themselves for food, water and shelter. Many people in these countries, although they want to help, cannot afford veterinary care, leaving many animals emaciated, not only lacking food, but also proper healthcare. Driven by compassion, a group of Auburn University College of Agriculture students, who are studying animal sciences, made it their mission to increase the animals’ quality of life this summer and traveled abroad with The Vida Volunteer Veterinarian Program.
The Auburn Alumni Association was recognized at the 2018 CASE International Awards for its monumental success with the 125th Anniversary of Auburn Women, earning Gold for the Year-Long Special Events category and Bronze for Multi-Day Special Events. The win brings the total award count for Auburn University to six, including Case Statements / General Cultivation Publications (Gold), Fundraising Publications Packages (Gold), Fundraising Programs: Flash Campaigns (Silver) and Individual Fundraising Publications (Bronze).
Increasing diversity in the veterinary profession is one of the major priorities of the American Veterinary Medical Association, and one of the driving forces behind another historic initiative in veterinary medicine between Tuskegee and Auburn universities.
At its recent spring meeting, Auburn University’s Research and Economic Development Advisory Board selected Pradeep Lall, the McFarlane Endowed Professor in Auburn’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, as the 2018 recipient of its Advancement of Research and Scholarship Achievement Award. The award recognizes Lall for his research achievements in the fields of harsh-environment electronics and flexible electronics.