COVID-19 frequently asked questions from Auburn University

COVID-19 Information
Frequently Asked Questions

For answers to many questions involving Auburn University operations and COVID-19, check the tabs below. This page includes general information for the Auburn community as a whole as well as specific answers for students and faculty/staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered on this page, email

Last updated: Jun. 16, 2020

What is the latest information regarding operational modifications at Auburn University?

  • Auburn University leaders continue to follow state and federal guidelines regarding COVID-19 and recommendations to protect the health and safety of our community. After careful evaluation, all operational modifications previously assigned a tentative May 9 end date have been extended through June 30, 2020. For more information, go here.

Is The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center open?

  • Hotel services at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center remain open, with all guidelines of the Alabama Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention being followed to ensure a safe and clean environment for patrons.  During this time of uncertainty amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the hotel is waiving any non-refundable policies to include stays booked for A-Day and spring commencement.  The hotel also is extending a special offer to those in need of temporary housing as Auburn University has transitioned to remote instruction for the remainder of the spring semester.  Special arrangements can be made by emailing to  For parents in need of lodging while moving their child off campus, visit the hotel’s website at to secure reservations.

Is Auburn continuing to conduct full university operations?

  • Yes. Auburn continues to conduct full university operations, with departments and units utilizing remote work and social distancing as appropriate. On-campus student housing, on-campus dining, Auburn Libraries and the Recreation and Wellness Center are currently closed. Many on-campus services are still available, and more information about those ongoing services can be found here.

What university facilities will be closed as a result of the university’s response to COVID-19?

  • Dining facilities, libraries and residence halls will be closed through the spring semester. University officials will make arrangements for international students and others who are unable to return home. Also included in closures is the Recreation and Wellness Center, the university bookstore and Jule Collins Smith Museum.

What is the university doing to prepare for possible coronavirus impacts to campus?

  • Auburn transitioned from on-campus instruction to remote delivery Monday, March 16 and will continue to the end of the spring semester in response to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). University officials asked students to refrain from returning to campus after spring break. The university will continue normal operations, although departments and units should utilize remote work and “social distancing” as appropriate.

  • In addition, President Jay Gogue has established a group of campus leaders, including health experts, emergency management personnel and others, to plan holistically for how the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) could impact campus. 

How long will the university be operating through remote delivery of instruction?

  • Instruction transitioned to remote delivery on Monday, March 16 and will continue to the end of summer session 2 on Tuesday, June 23. A decision regarding course delivery for Session 3 (remotely or on-campus) will be made by June 1, 2020.

Why did the university decide to transition to remote instruction?

  • Auburn is taking these unprecedented steps based on our utmost concern for the health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff. The university continues to work with public health and emergency preparedness officials to make decisions in the best interest of the campus community and to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Review recommendations from the CDC and U.S. Department of State before considering travel.

Are there currently any restrictions on travel as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak?

  • All university domestic and international air travel is suspended. On March 19, a Level 4: Do Not Travel advisory was issued by the Department of State, advising against all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19.

What are the latest guidelines for campus events?

  • Auburn will adhere to special guidelines for campus events from June 29, when on-campus instruction begins, through Aug. 8. During those dates, the university will allow events of fewer than 50 people, as well as some larger events, provided the events ensure appropriate physical distancing. For a list of guidelines for campus events during that timeframe, go here.

Are events on campus canceled?

  • Auburn University has canceled all campus events, including camps, through June 30 amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

What should I do if I scheduled an event during that time?

  • Event organizers are responsible for taking action to cancel their individual events, including communicating with speakers and guests and canceling room reservations, catering and any other arrangements. Please contact your event organizer for more details about your specific event.

What’s the latest update involving spring commencement exercises?

  • Following the postponement of Auburn’s spring commencement ceremonies due to the COVID-19 outbreak, spring graduates will have the opportunity to participate in summer commencement when the university combines its spring and summer ceremonies on August 8, 2020. While the university plans to host summer commencement, final event decisions are contingent on public health circumstances surrounding the global pandemic.

What do I do if I suspect I have been exposed to coronavirus?

  • Auburn students, faculty and staff who have reason to believe they may have been exposed to or have any symptoms of the coronavirus should call the Auburn University Medical Clinic at 334-844-9825 BEFORE visiting the clinic. After-hours or on weekends, call East Alabama Medical Center’s COVID-19 hotline at 334-528-7425 BEFORE going to the hospital.

    • East Alabama Medical Center’s COVID-19 hotline call center hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The call center is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

How do I best protect myself from contracting coronavirus?

  • The CDC advises that the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Here are everyday actions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

    • Stay home when you are sick.

    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

What online resources for mental health are available for Auburn employees and students?

  • Auburn’s offices of Student Counseling and Psychological Services and Health Promotion and Wellness Services have updated the Student Affairs’ “A Sound Mind” webpage to include information on mental and emotional self-care during COVID-19.

    The webpage provides Auburn University students, faculty, staff and their families support for the following:

    • What to expect regarding reactions to a stressful event, such as the COVID-19 pandemic

    • Ways to support yourself during social distancing

    • How to support each other during social distancing

    • Stopping social stigma during COVID-19

    • Student Counseling and Psychological Services crisis phone line information

This webpage will be regularly updated with virtual resources to benefit the Auburn Family, to include TED Talks, smartphone applications and websites of note.

In addition to taking precautions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, should I also be concerned with protecting against influenza by getting a flu shot?

  • Yes. The current COVID-19 pandemic is occurring during a time of year when respiratory illnesses from influenza and other viruses, including other coronaviruses that cause the common cold, are highly prevalent, according to the CDC. To prevent influenza and possible unnecessary evaluation for COVID-19, all persons aged six months and older should receive an annual influenza vaccine – which is still available and effective in helping to prevent influenza. There currently is no vaccine for COVID-19.

Can my pet contract COVID-19?

  • As of March 4, 2020, the CDC had no reports of animals becoming sick with COVID-19, nor does it have evidence to support that pets can spread the virus. Read more from the CDC here.

What should I know about social distancing?

  • Social distancing is staying away from large crowds or congregations of people with the intent of minimizing transmission of infectious disease outbreaks. This could include, but is not limited to, attending concerts, sporting events, religious gatherings, going to movie theaters or using public transportation such as buses and subways for travel. Follow CDC guidelines about avoiding and slowing the virus spread.

Last updated: Jun. 16, 2020

Guidelines for campus events from June 29 – August 8

Auburn will adhere to special guidelines for campus events from June 29, when on-campus instruction begins, through Aug. 8.

During those dates, the university will allow events of fewer than 50 people, as well as some larger events, provided the events ensure appropriate physical distancing.

Following are guidelines for campus events occurring June 29 through Aug. 8:

  1. Events with fewer than 50 people should submit the request through regular channels (Campus Events Planning System, AUinvolve, etc.) and include a description of how event planners will ensure appropriate physical distancing in a space that accommodates the group.

  2. If a group would like to host an event with 50 or more people, a request should be submitted in writing to the vice president of the group’s unit for review. The request must include how the event will ensure physical distancing and details about the space that would accommodate the group. If the vice president confirms these guidelines are met and approves the event, the request is forwarded to the executive vice president for review. Once approved, the request must be submitted through regular channels (Campus Events Planning System, AUinvolve, etc.)

  3. Event coordinators are expected to maintain a list that includes name, telephone number and email address for every attendee, which will be used if there is a need for contact tracing.

  4. All event attendees are required to wear masks or face coverings, and all event attendees must have their temperature taken and answer questions regarding symptoms, all of which will occur daily for multi-day events.

  5. No campus housing will be provided during multi-day events. Meals may be provided but only under specific requirements. Work through regular channels (Campus Events Planning System, AUinvolve, etc.) for guidance.

  6. Event coordinators are responsible for ensuring adherence to all guidelines.

  7. Events larger than 250 people are not permitted prior to Aug. 8 with the exception of graduation ceremonies for the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Harrison School of Pharmacy on Aug. 1 where additional safety protocols will be in place.

These guidelines are consistent with recommendations from public health officials, including the Centers for Disease Control and the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Will Auburn offer face-to-face classes during the second summer mini-term?

  • Following the guidance of the CDC, state health agencies and the Governor’s office, the university has identified appropriate plans that support multiple instructional modalities, including in-person instruction, during the second summer mini-term.

How will classes be structured during the second summer mini-term?

  • Beginning June 29, students may receive course instruction through one or more of the following delivery methods:
  1. Online: Courses taught entirely online that allow for greater flexibility where students are generally self-paced in completing coursework.
  2. On-Campus: Traditional classroom experiences where students attend classes and other types of instruction including labs, clinical training and fieldwork in person, on campus and other locations.
  3. Blended: Courses that offer both in-class and online learning. Blended classes use remote learning to replace in-person seat time.
  4. HyFlex: Courses allow individual students to choose their preferred method of learning daily; they can attend some sessions online, and other meetings in the classroom.

How will the instructional method of each course be determined and announced for the second summer mini-term?

  • Faculty will determine which of the four delivery methods best align with the learning outcomes for their courses. The delivery method for each course section will be posted on the Registrar website as it becomes available but no later than Wednesday, June 10.

Can students transfer to different sections based on the type of delivery method during the second summer mini-term?

  • Yes, if space is available, students can adjust their schedules accordingly.

Will tuition be structured based on the type of course?

  • Auburn’s tuition and fee structure has been established regardless of the method of instruction. While the university is aware that online, remote, or HyFlex courses are different from the traditional college experience students are used to, Auburn faculty continue to teach, and the university continues to offer academic support services despite the coronavirus pandemic. As always, all Auburn students continue to receive a world-class education that prepares them for future careers.

Will physical distancing be possible in classrooms during the second summer mini-term?

  • Auburn University continues to align with the State of Alabama’s current “Safer at Home” order and will support physical distancing and other related measures necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Instructional classrooms will have limited seating capacity.

How will the university monitor students for COVID-19 related-symptoms?

  • Beginning in the second summer mini semester, all students are expected to use an app to self-monitor their health condition, self-report illness, and support contact tracing efforts. Students will be required to complete the screener process each day. Students who indicate they have symptoms or have been in contact with persons who have tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days will be instructed to contact the AU Medical Clinic for further evaluation.

Can students access the RBD Library and study rooms in the Mell Classroom Building during the second summer mini-term?

  • Students will have access to the RBD Library, study rooms, and other academic spaces provided they abide by the required protocols in the buildings.

How will physical distancing be promoted in the classrooms and other instructional/structural spaces in the second summer mini-term?

  • Maximum classroom capacities for rooms will be provided, along with diagrams and schemas for space/desk seating to be at least six feet apart where feasible. Each instructional space will, at a minimum, have a seating diagram showing how personal distancing can be achieved.
  • To support physical distancing, Auburn University will host smaller classes in larger classrooms and will offer distance learning and remote instruction, in addition to in-person classes, to help reduce the number of in-person attendees in classes.
  • Adequate distancing will be provided between individuals engaged in experiential learning opportunities (e.g., labs, vocational skill building activities) as well as between students in vehicles required for travel to instructional field laboratories, etc. (e.g., skipping rows) when possible.
  • Auburn will open communal spaces, such as study lounges, but  the areas will have staggered use and will restrict the number of individuals allowed in at one time to ensure everyone can stay at least six feet apart.
  • Signage in areas such as restrooms will be added to encourage personal distancing in small areas.

Academic Coaching – If students have been participating in Academic Coaching this spring semester, they will receive an email from their Academic Coach encouraging them to connect for their next appointment via Zoom. If students have not met with an Academic Coach this semester, they can go to the Academic Coaching page and click on “Make an Appointment”. After logging into Advise Assist, they can select Academic Coaching in the Office of Academic Support and select Coach Consult as the reason. Coach Consult appointments will help students focus on study skill strategies and habits. Our Academic Coaches are prepared to discuss how students may need to adjust their learning approaches to fit an online learning model. Students are welcome to schedule coach consult appointments for ongoing tools and resources throughout the semester.

Study Partners (peer tutoring)Students are able to request online tutoring in a course by completing a Qualtrics Survey linked on the Study Partners page. Based on our work to survey tutor’s ability to provide Zoom tutoring, students will be paired with a tutor via email and complete a tutoring session via Zoom.

Supplemental InstructionSI Leaders will continue to support their assigned courses, but through an amended approach relying mostly on email and Zoom. All SI program staff met Monday via Zoom to discuss this transition. Whatever the format, SI support will continue its focus on helping students gain content mastery while strengthening skills and strategies for succeeding in the current context, as well as offering peer connections during this time of distance learning.

What assistance does the CARES act offer to students?

  • Auburn University has launched an online application process for students meeting certain eligibility requirements to apply for Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act funding for six needs categories: food, housing, course material, technology, health care and childcare. The university was awarded $7.8 million from the U.S. Department of Education, provided through the CARES Act, to provide emergency aid to students who have expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19. Those eligible can visit the following website for full details of the plan and how to apply:
Tuition-related questions
  • Federal stimulus funding questions
    Auburn is reviewing federal guidelines for dispersing emergency student aid funding. More details will be announced soon.

  • Will tuition be refunded or reduced for the Spring 2020 semester?
    In response to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, Auburn made the necessary adjustments to achieve the institution’s overarching goals of: (1) protecting the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff and (2) maintaining our students’ continued academic progress. As such, Auburn faculty transitioned to delivering instruction remotely to enable our students to continue advancing academically with no interruptions. Since academic progress remains ongoing, and students continue to receive instruction, there are no plans to refund or discount tuition.

  • Will there be a reduction in tuition for Summer 2020?

    The university will continue to offer instruction during Summer 2020 and will provide a wide variety of academic course offerings to allow students to continue their academic progress at regular resident and non-resident tuition rates.

    The university will suspend student services fees for the summer 2020 semester, resulting in a savings of $838 for undergraduate students, $838 for graduate students without a graduate assistantship, or $680 for graduate students with an assistantship. The student services fees are typically assessed each semester to provide for student activities that include organizations, on-campus programs, recreation, transportation, student governance, and various other student-related projects. All students will still be assessed applicable professional or individual course fees charged by colleges and schools.

    Auburn University will offer a full schedule of courses delivered remotely throughout Summer sessions 1: 10-week session (May 20–July 31) and Session 2: 5-week session (May 20–June 23) so that students can maintain their academic progress. Session 3: 5-week session (June 29–July 31) may be offered on-campus, provided health and safety conditions permit. A decision regarding course delivery for Session 3 (remotely or on-campus) will be made by June 1, 2020.

Refund-related questions (Housing/Dining)

  • The University is providing prorated refunds to student accounts for on-campus housing and all dining plans. Information about this process was emailed on March 24. Please see “How will I receive my refund” for more information.

  • How will I receive my refund? (Housing/Dining)

    • Refunds will be made to your eBill account by direct deposit to the bank account that you provide on AU Access. Please note that entering direct deposit information requires 2-factor authentication.

    • To sign up for direct deposit:

      1. Log in to AU Access

      2. Select the “My Finances” tab on the left column

      3. Click “Banking Direct Deposit Information” and follow the instructions

    • Please note that refunds take about five business days to process.

    • For dining plans, your refund will vary depending on your current account balance. You may check your account balance here. If your account balance is more than the prorated refund, the difference will be made available for the coming academic year. However, if you graduate this spring or summer and have remaining funds, please contact

Will Tiger Club money expire?

  • Money on students’ Tiger Club account (not Dining Dollars) will roll over to the semester or a refund may be requested by emailing

Will Study Abroad students be reimbursed for a shortened experience, airline change fees or higher return tickets? What about reimbursement for summer semester program fees?

  • The Office of International Programs is working with individual programs and students on reimbursement. For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs.

Will the university cover my unexpected trip home or hotel stays?

  • Unfortunately, the university will not be able to cover that cost.

I’m a student employee on campus and rely on that income. Will I be able to work or get paid?

  • Student employees will be paid through spring term. Pay is calculated based on an average of hours worked for biweekly pay periods 2-5 (Jan. 5–Feb. 29, 2020).

  • Contact your supervisor, as each position is different, but most student employees will not be able to work on campus during the remote instruction period.

  • Please see more information from Human Resources provided on March 17.

What’s the plan for spring commencement?

  • Spring graduates will have the opportunity to participate in summer commencement when the university combines its spring and summer ceremonies on Aug. 8, 2020. Final event decisions are contingent on public health circumstances surrounding the global pandemic.

I am supposed to be graduating. Will I still get my degree on time?

  • Spring degrees will be conferred to all students who meet graduation eligibility requirements, and diplomas will be mailed to students as usual.

Will classes be treated as Pass/Fail?

  • Information regarding the university’s S/U Grading Option for spring semester 2020 is now available on the Provost’s Office website. The option is among several academic contingencies identified by the Provost’s Office to assist students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Students may consult with their academic advisors to understand how any grade conversions may affect their academic progress.

How will this affect final exams?

  • Students should contact their course instructor.

Has the course withdrawal deadline changed?

  • The deadline for dropping a course with a “W” assigned has been extended from April 3 to the last day of class, April 24, at 11:59 p.m. Before withdrawing from any courses, we encourage you to consult with your academic advisors to learn how withdrawing may impact your academic progression. If you are unable to withdraw from a course due to a hold on your record, please contact the Office of the Registrar at

How will summer classes be affected?

How do I access my course materials if I am not in Auburn?

  • Please contact your course instructor.

What should I do about my coursework if I am a student and am required to self-isolate or if I test positive for COVID-19?

  • Please contact your course instructor.

How does this affect my internship, practicum, externship, etc.?

  • Please contact your practicum or internship coordinator.

How and when will the university decide if and when on-campus classes will resume?

  • University officials will continue working with public health and emergency preparedness officials to make decisions in the best interest of the campus community and to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

What do I do if I have a hold on my account and am not able to register for or drop classes?

  • Students can review holds by going to AU Access on the My Academics tab. From there, go to the Academic Profile heading and click on the View Holds link. The View Holds screen will provide information on the type of hold (Student Conduct, Medical Clinic, Housing, Title IX, Financial Aid, etc.) and a contact number to speak with someone about the hold.

  • For specific questions about Student Conduct or Auburn Cares holds, please email or or call 334-844-1305.

  • For housing-related holds, please email or call 334-844-4580.

  • For all other hold types, contact the Office of the Registrar by phone at 334-844-2544 or by email at  If you do not receive a response after 24 hours, call Student Conduct at 334-844-1305.


How can I speak with someone regarding housing?

  • Please contact University Housing by email at You will receive an automatic reply, but they are responding as quickly as possible.

Will I receive a refund from University Housing?

  • Residents will receive prorated refunds. Specific details and refund amounts were emailed to residential students’ TigerMail accounts on March 24.

How will I receive my housing refund?

  • Refunds will be made to your eBill account by direct deposit to the bank account that you provide on AU Access. Please note that entering direct deposit information requires two-factor authentication.

  • To sign up for direct deposit:

    1. Log in to AU Access

    2. Select the “My Finances” tab on the left column

    3. Click “Banking Direct Deposit Information” and follow the instructions

  • Please note that refunds take about five business days to process.

  • For dining plans, your refund will vary depending on your current account balance. You may check your account balance here. If your account balance is more than the prorated refund, the difference will be made available for the coming academic year. However, if you graduate this spring or summer and have remaining funds, please contact

How/When can I get into my dorm to get my stuff / move out?

  • Residence halls will be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through June 21. Students who have not moved out of their rooms were emailed more detailed instructions on May 22.

If I am currently in my residence hall, do I need to leave?

  • Residents who have been approved to stay on campus do not need to leave their residence hall at this time.

What about international students or others who are unable to return home?

  • University officials will make arrangements for international students and others who are unable to return home. Students who have specific questions should contact the Division of Student Affairs at 334-844-1304 or email

My student is living on campus during remote instruction and they need to speak with someone.

  • Students living on-campus should contact their on-call area coordinator. The phone number for on-call area coordinators are located in the lobby of each residence.

Will Greek houses be open?

  • • Greek houses are closed. All operations are also suspended. Each House Corporation Board or the student organization’s executive leadership is coordinating move-out plans for each chapter and will notify members accordingly.

  • Off-campus Greek house chapter leaders will notify their members about plans specific to each off-campus chapter house.

  • For questions related to Greek housing, please call the Greek Life Office at 334-844-4600 or email


How and when may I get into my dorm to get my belongings?

  • Residence halls will be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, through June 28.

  • More detailed information can be found in the Housing Move-Out section.

When may I come to campus to move out of my hall?

  • Residence halls will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. through June 21. Your hall will open during those times. We ask that you fill out this online form to let us know of your plans to move out.

My state/city has a stay in place restriction, what should I do?

  • Those with shelter-in-place orders should wait  until there is no longer a shelter-in-place order for their area. If a student has an extenuating circumstance, please contact University Housing at

What if I don’t have my key?

  • If you do not have your key, please email us at no later than the Wednesday before you plan to come to campus. We will need to know your name, room number/letter and the date you are arriving on campus. Your room will be unlocked when you arrive.

What if I can’t return by June 21?

  • Contact Move & Store at 334-375-5000 and coordinate your move-out date with them. Vendor-assisted move-out days are May 28, June 4, June 11 and June 18. You can work directly with them to determine whether they will ship or store your items. Please note that this service will be at the expense of the student. If you need financial assistance, funds may be available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Can someone else come get my stuff?

  • We cannot accommodate requests for anyone other than the resident assigned to the room to remove belongings. In some cases, we are not able to monitor this, for example, if one roommate in the Quad is able to take belongings for both roommates. However, our staff will not be able to open doors for anyone other than the resident assigned to the room. If you have contracted with the approved vendor to remove your belongings, our staff will let them into your room.

How long do I have in the hall?

  • The hall will be open for the entire length of the move-out weekends, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday through Sunday. For the safety of our residents and those assisting them we ask that you take no longer than two hours in the hall. We understand that this is a difficult and frustrating time, but we ask that you pack as quickly as possible.

Will supplies or help be available during move-out?

  • We do not furnish supplies, such as carts, dollies, boxes or tape, during move-out, but there will be a limited number of gloves available at the front desk. You are welcome to bring your own supplies to assist with move out. There will not be assistance available during the move-out weekends. Residents may bring up to two guests to help them move out of their room. We ask that residents do not bring anyone who is immunocompromised or who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 to assist with move-out. Please note that hand sanitizer is available in the lobby of each of our residence halls.
  • Local companies/services are available to assist current residents with move-out plans:

Can I leave items in my room I no longer want?

  • In order to limit the amount of time in your residence hall, we ask that you leave any items you no longer want. This could include large items such as bookshelves. Our Property Management staff will clear the hall after you move out and will donate or throw away your unwanted items. We ask that you make sure you take all items you want, as you will not be able to retrieve any items left after you move out. We also ask that you remove trash from the room, including perishable food items.

What do I do when I am finished moving out?

  • When you have finished collecting all items from your residence hall room, we ask that you place your key in the provided Express Check-Out envelope. You should leave the envelope in the container at the front desk where you picked up your envelope. Once you turn in your key you will no longer have access to your room.

Will I be able to access my room after I move out?

  • Once you have turned in your key, we will contact Property Management to remove any belongings you left in your room. Items in usable condition or unopened non-perishable food will be donated. Once you have turned in your key, we will consider you to have checked out of the hall and you will no longer have access to your room.

Where can I park for move-out?

  • Parking regulations during move-out allow students to park in lots other than ones for which they are permitted, and cars that do not have an AU permit will also be allowed to park in an AU lot without receiving a ticket. Campus security will be monitoring traffic flow.

Will RA staff be available during move-out?

  • The safety of all students, including our staff, is our highest priority. For this reason, the hall RA staff will not be available during move-out. Our RA staff will also be working to move out of the hall in the same manner as our residents. We have a limited amount of staff on-campus during this time. If you need to contact a staff member, you should call the phone number posted in the residence hall at the front desk. Please note that in-person response is limited and may be delayed.

I need to stay overnight. Can I stay in my room?

  • The safety of our students is our highest priority and, for that reason, we cannot allow students to stay overnight in residence halls. Residence hall doors will lock at 8 p.m. each night of the weekend. Should you need a place to stay overnight, the Hotel at Auburn University is offering a bed-and-breakfast rate for $99. It includes an overnight stay and a grab-and-go continental breakfast. To take advantage of this offer, email, call the hotel at 334-821-8200, or book directly here.

How do I collect my mail?

  • You will be able to access your area mail center during the move-out weekends. Check your mail while you are on campus, and if you have not already done so, complete your mail forwarding information as soon as possible:
    • Log in to AU Access.
    • Click on My Academics.
    • Click on the Personal Info tab.
    • Click on “On-campus mail forwarding address form.”
    • Fill out the form and submit.

What do I do with my mail key?

  • If you were issued a mailbox key from your mailroom, please return it in your Express Check-Out envelope when you return your residence hall room key.

Refund-related questions:

  • The University is providing prorated refunds to student accounts for on-campus housing and all dining plans. Information about this process was emailed on March 24. Please see “How will I receive my refund” for more information.

  • How will I receive my refund? (Housing/Dining)

  • Refunds will be made to your eBill account by direct deposit to the bank account that you provide on AU Access. Please note that entering direct deposit information requires 2-factor authentication.

  • To sign up for direct deposit:

    1. Log in to AU Access

    2. Select the “My Finances” tab on the left column

    3. Click “Banking Direct Deposit Information” and follow the instructions

  • Please note that refunds take about five business days to process.

  • For dining plans, your refund will vary depending on your current account balance. You may check your account balance here. If your account balance is more than the prorated refund, the difference will be made available for the coming academic year. However, if you graduate this spring or summer and have remaining funds, please contact

When will my refund be processed?

  • Campus Dining will initiate refunds on April 10, but they may take a few days to process.

What happens to my block meals I purchased?

  • Block meals are included in the prorated 50-day refund, but do not roll over to fall semester. For more information, please email

What should I do if I have a question about my specific situation?

Are any dining venues open?

  • No, all dining venues on campus are closed through the remote instruction period.

I utilize the campus food pantry. Can I still receive support from it?

For students remaining on campus, how can you contact someone about dining plans, meals, dietary restrictions, etc.?

I don’t have access to technology/WiFi for online classes. What do I do?

  • Students with no access to technology may contact the Auburn University Bookstore to learn about potential solutions. Some service providers, including Charter Spectrum and Comcast, are offering students two free months of WiFi service. The Provost’s Office and the Bookstore are working to address technology needs of students during the migration to remote instruction for the spring semester. If you are a student who lacks the technology to participate in your courses, please contact

How do I download Zoom for virtual classes or meetings?

I am having a software-based problem or issues with a program, application, Zoom, etc.

  • The OIT Service Desk is available 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 334-844-4944, email or chat live. View a self-help section here.

  • OIT offers live support in the Zoom Room, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Are buildings on campus open?

  • Dining facilities, libraries and residence halls will be closed through the remote instruction period. Some buildings are open for essential personnel only.

Are any dining venues open?

  • All dining venues on campus are closed through the remote instruction period.

Is the Student Center open?

  • The Student Center is closed during the remote instruction period. However, offices in the Student Center are taking calls and emails during this time.

Is the Campus Rec open?

  • The Recreation and Wellness Center and all recreation facilities are closed. Campus Recreation programs and services are discontinued through the remote instruction period.

Are deliveries being accepted to the mailroom?

  • Deliveries are being accepted. Please contact Mail Services at 334-844-4860 with questions about receiving your mail.

Are all university events cancelled through the remote instruction period?

  • Auburn University has canceled all campus events, including camps, through June 30 amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    In addition, the Southeastern Conference has discontinued athletic competition for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year.

Are Auburn Study Abroad trips scheduled for summer 2020 canceled?

 I have a question about my scheduled event/reservation/future booking/etc.?

Is the Auburn University Bookstore open?

  • The store is closed to the public, but staff are fulfilling online orders.

How can I get help with a critical incident/food insecurity/emergency/concern for erratic behavior/etc.?

My student is depressed/has anxiety/has suicidal ideation what do I do?

  • Student Counseling and Psychological Services remains available for calls and consultations. They can be reached via phone at 334-844-5123.

I need support with or I am a survivor of sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking, harassment, etc. Who can help me?

  • Safe Harbor is available by calling the 24-hour crisis line at 334-844-7233 or emailing

Are Camp War Eagle and SOS still taking place?

  • Eight virtual Camp War Eagle will be held this summer. If campus is reopened to events in July, students will be invited to a one-day on-campus orientation. Registration for SOS has been postponed until further notice. Visit the First Year Experience website for updates on both programs.

Will refunds be provided if I sign up for Camp War Eagle/SOS and it is cancelled?

  • The First Year Experience office will be providing updates on their website for the status of their programs. Check their website for the most up-to-date information at

Contact the Greek Life Office with questions at 334-844-4600 or

Will I receive a refund for any of my Greek activities?

  • Individual chapters are making decisions on chapter housing and dining refunds. Chapter leaders will communicate with members if applicable.

I was charged a Panhellenic Facility Fee. Will this be refunded?
  • The University is providing prorated refunds to student accounts for the Panhellenic Facility Fee. The $45 refund was calculated based on the 50 semester days when access to the Panhellenic chapter rooms and common areas has not been available.

How will I receive my refund?

  • Refunds will be made to your eBill account by direct deposit to the bank account that you provide on AU Access. Please note that entering direct deposit information requires 2-factor authentication.

  • To sign up for direct deposit:

    1. Log in to AU Access

    2. Select the “My Finances” tab on the left column

    3. Click “Banking Direct Deposit Information” and follow the instructions

  • Please note that refunds take about five business days to process.

I’m a parent and need to talk to someone about how I can support, provide guidance to or help my student.

  • Please contact the Office of Parent and Family Programs at 334-844-1493 and

If I’m from a place where COVID-19 is an issue, should I go home or stay in Auburn?

  • If you are an on-campus resident and there is a COVID-19 issue at home, please email to make arrangements to stay on campus.

If I travel outside of Auburn, will I be prevented from returning or required to go into quarantine upon return?

  • Based upon guidance from the CDC, depending on your travel history, you should stay home for a period of 14 days from the time you left an area with widespread or ongoing community spread (Level 3 Travel Health Notice).

Are all Auburn students recalled from spring Study Abroad trips required to self-quarantine for 14 days?

  • The university is requiring a self-imposed quarantine for students traveling from countries designated as a Level 3 by the CDC.

Are any campus transportation services currently operational?

  • For the most up-to-date information, please contact Parking and Transit Services at 334-844-4143 or

Questions related to the coronavirus:

What should I do if I think I might have coronavirus?

  • The AU Medical Clinic remains open. Those exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms should call the clinic immediately at 334-844-9825 BEFORE visiting the clinic.

What should I know about social distancing?

  • Social distancing is staying away from large crowds or congregations of people with the intent of minimizing transmission of infectious disease outbreaks. This could include, but is not limited to, attending concerts, sporting events, religious gatherings, going to movie theaters or using public transportation such as buses and subways for travel. Follow CDC guidelines about avoiding and slowing the virus spread.

    • Stay home if you are sick or have been around someone who has been exposed or diagnosed.

    • Try to avoid close contact with others. If possible, maintain a distance of about 6 feet.

    • Avoid gatherings or meetings of 10 or more people.

    • Wash your hands often and/or use hand sanitizer.

    • Avoid touching your face.

    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or inside elbow if you cough or sneeze.

    • Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly.

I need to contact someone regarding my regularly prescribed medications (asthma, ADHD, diabetes, hypertension, etc.).

  • Please contact the AU Medical Clinic at 334-844-4416.

Last updated: Jun. 11, 2020

Auburn will adhere to special guidelines for campus events from June 29, when on-campus instruction begins, through Aug. 8. During those dates, the university will allow events of fewer than 50 people, as well as some larger events, provided the events ensure appropriate physical distancing. For a list of guidelines for campus events during that timeframe, go here.

Auburn University leaders continue to follow state and federal guidelines regarding COVID-19 and recommendations to protect the health and safety of our community. After careful evaluation, all operational modifications previously assigned a tentative May 9 end date have been extended through June 30, 2020. For more information, go here.

Facilities Management has created an online form that provides faculty and staff working remotely the opportunity to request campus mail be forwarded to a personal address.

The form, located at, can be completed in just a few simple steps:

  1. Once on the page, log in using your campus ID and password.

  2. Enter your current campus building and office number.

  3. Enter the forwarding address you would like to use.

  4. Click “Submit”

The forwarding address will remain in effect until campus returns to normal operations.

For a full list of the ongoing services being provided by Facilities Management, visit their update page.

  • Through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is administered by American Behavioral, any full-time employee -- even those who don’t subscribe to our Auburn University health insurance plan -- has access to six EAP calls (up to 30 minutes each) per covered family member free of charge.  

  • AU health insurance plan subscribers also have up to 30 visits for mental health treatment available in a year. If the claim is filed with a COVID-19-related diagnosis, the copay, deductible and inpatient admission copay will be waived.

Auburn’s offices of Student Counseling and Psychological Services and Health Promotion and Wellness Services have updated the Student Affairs “A Sound Mind” webpage to include information on “Mental and Emotional Self-Care during COVID-19.”

The webpage provides Auburn University students, faculty, staff and their families support for the following:

  • What to expect regarding reactions to a stressful event, such as the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Ways to support yourself during social distancing

  • How to support each other during social distancing

  • Stopping social stigma during COVID-19

  • Student Counseling and Psychological Services crisis phone line information

This webpage will be regularly updated with virtual resources to benefit the Auburn Family, to include TED Talks, smartphone applications and websites of note.

For more information regarding Human Resources' response to COVID-19, please visit the Human Resources Coronavirus FAQ page.

Effective immediately, employees booking travel on behalf of the University will be allowed to purchase refundable tickets, trip insurance or other similar expenses because of the uncertainty of the impact of the coronavirus internationally and in the United States. This policy also addresses abroad trips booked prior to the university’s suspension of international travel. For more information about travel reimbursement, go here. Those with additional questions can contact Brad Cooper with Procurement Business Services at 4-3638.

Faculty should work with students affected by the coronavirus, including self-imposed 14-day quarantine, to arrange alternative methods of delivering instruction (such as CANVAS, Zoom, etc.) in order to minimize disruptions to academic progress.

The CDC advises that the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Here are everyday actions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Last updated: May 29, 2020