Hey Day 2022 rescheduled for Oct. 19

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Hey Day, a beloved Auburn tradition hosted by Auburn Student Government Association, or SGA, has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Oct. 19.  We look forward to engaging the Auburn Family by distributing name tags and handing out Hey Day-branded promotional items. Furthermore, we will also be hosting a festive event on the Campus Green for all to enjoy, so we invite everyone to join us for a free, catered meal, an inflatable obstacle course and many special guests.

We are excited to say “Hey!” to the Auburn Family on Wednesday, Oct. 19.

Auburn University is a nationally ranked land grant institution recognized for its commitment to world-class scholarship, interdisciplinary research with an elite, top-tier Carnegie R1 classification, life-changing outreach with Carnegie’s Community Engagement designation and an undergraduate education experience second to none. Auburn is home to more than 30,000 students, and its faculty and research partners collaborate to develop and deliver meaningful scholarship, science and technology-based advancements that meet pressing regional, national and global needs. Auburn’s commitment to active student engagement, professional success and public/private partnership drives a growing reputation for outreach and extension that delivers broad economic, health and societal impact.