Page Listing
The Auburn University Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and the Harbert College of Business have partnered in a joint Executive in Residence program that will integrate distinguished alumni and executives into the colleges.
Lawrence F. Molt, associate professor in Auburn University's Department of Communication Disorders, was recently appointed to the World Health Organization (WHO) Rehabilitation Competency Framework Working Group, part of the WHO Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative.
As part of Alabama Public Television’s ongoing “Spotlight on Agriculture” documentary series, the network is producing three episodes focused on Auburn University’s forestry, wildlife and natural resources research and the industry’s importance to the state.
A new director and chief curator for Auburn University’s Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art will begin in the role starting Feb. 11.
Shiwen Mao has been playing the guitar since high school, but he claims he’s not very good.
An Auburn University senior and a recent graduate have been named finalists for the prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship to possibly pursue post-graduate studies at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England.
Auburn University international alumna and Fulbright scholar Basima Abdulrahman, who recently founded Iraq’s first sustainable architecture consultancy, will co-chair the World Economic Forum’s 2019 Annual Meeting Jan. 22-25 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
Students in their third year of professional education at Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will receive their white coat in a ceremony on Saturday, Jan. 26.
Auburn University’s online graduate programs are among the nation’s best, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2019 Best Online Program rankings released today.
Two new senior administrators at Auburn University will lead key institutional priorities in economic development, enrollment and student recruitment.
It’s Friday morning and The Clash are punk rocking their way through your radio’s speakers. Why? Because Doctor Punk likes it that way.
For months now, an Auburn University research team has been keeping close tabs on roughly 250 tagged paddlefish and smallmouth buffalo in the Alabama River in an effort to learn more about how lock-and-dam systems on a waterway impact fish movement upstream and down.
Auburn University biosystems engineer Jeremiah Davis has assumed duties as director of the Auburn-based National Poultry Technology Center, or NPTC.
Auburn University’s College of Agriculture and Agricultural Alumni Association will recognize and celebrate five Alabamians for their significant contributions to the state’s agriculture industry through the years during the 2019 Alabama Agriculture Hall of Honor banquet Thursday, Feb. 7, at the Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel and Conference Center at Grand National.
Auburn University’s 12th annual Boshell Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Research Day is set for Friday, Feb. 15, at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. The event brings together experts from around the United States to present current topics related to diabetes and the role of obesity in its development. The meeting is highlighted by research presentations throughout the day and evening.
This year’s strain of influenza is now considered “widespread” in Alabama and is likely to increase, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the flu now in its peak season, experts at Auburn University’s Harrison School of Pharmacy encourage people to take advantage of the vaccine.
Kyes Stevens has been a part of educating some 5,000 students since 2002, and they’ve all been the epitome of nontraditional.
Researchers that hold federally funded contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and sub-awards should be aware of the impacts the current partial federal shutdown will have on their projects. Based on prior shutdowns, we anticipate the following for impacted agencies:
Leading executives in real estate development will share their perspectives at the CityBuilders 2019 Outlook panel Jan. 24 at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. The panel, sponsored by the Master of Real Estate Development, or MRED, program at Auburn, is from 5:30-7 p.m.