Auburn veterinary college’s treatment gives rescue dog, Jasmine, a new lease on life
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Severely injured dogs who are abandoned and left to fend for themselves have little chance of survival, much less a chance to enjoy a positive quality of life. But Jasmine has been given a new lease on life, thanks to her rescuers and treatment and care received at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Jasmine, a 4-year-old pit bull mixed breed, was found roaming the street by Courtney’s Canine Care Rescuers Inc. in Hampton, Georgia.
"I got a phone call from a young lady notifying me that an injured dog was on the roadside," said Lisa Fleming of the rescue organization. "The caller had already called police, and the county animal control unit was en route. By the time I got there, animal control already had the dog and it was about to be euthanized because its injuries were so severe."
Fleming was able to take custody of the dog and ultimately get her to Auburn for veterinary care.
"The dog was injured and limping severely," said Dr. Kayla Corriveau, an assistant professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences and orthopedic surgeon at the Wilford and Kate Bailey Small Animal Teaching Hospital. "She apparently had been struck by a car, but that is not the worst of it. Her injuries were some three-to-four weeks old and had already begun to heal incorrectly."
The dog was under nourished and upon examination, was found to have sustained severe injuries in both back legs. "Radiographs showed that she had a multi-break femoral fracture in the right hind leg and a coxofemoral luxation [hip dislocation] in the left," Dr. Corriveau said.
Dr. Corriveau and her team performed a four-hour surgery to repair the right leg in late February, and another hour-long surgery to repair the left leg in early March.
"The procedures involved placing a plate and rod in the right hind leg and removing the ball of the hip joint in the left," Dr. Corriveau said.
Both surgeries were successful, and Jasmine currently is recovering, having undergone physical rehabilitation at the teaching hospital. She was discharged to the rescue group March 22 and sent home with instructions for a continued exercise program comprised of a regimen of weight-shifting exercises and walking. Her veterinary medicine treatment team is comprised of the specialty service units of radiology, orthopedics and physical rehabilitation.
"It is wonderful that [Jasmine’s] rescuers and their sponsors are willing to do this," Dr. Corriveau said.
Fleming said Jasmine already has a foster home to go to, but the rescue organization is seeking to find her an adoptive home. "Jasmine is the sweetest dog," Fleming said. "She would be a wonderful adopted pet."
Fleming said anyone interested in learning more about the dog adoption program and possibly adopting Jasmine can contact Courtney’s Canine Care Rescuers Inc. at 678-988-8440.
The case is an example of Auburn faculty delivering life-changing care and treatment while providing students an extraordinary, hands-on educational experience.
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The College of Veterinary Medicine is the South's original and nation's seventh oldest veterinary medical program, celebrating 126 years. We prepare individuals for careers of excellence in veterinary medicine, including private and public practice, industrial medicine, academics, and research. The college provides programs of instruction, research, outreach, and service that are in the best interests of the citizens of the state of Alabama, the region, the nation, and the world.