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In a move that strengthens the educational and economic development resources for the citizens of South Alabama and the Gulf Coast, Auburn University launched a new educational complex in Gulf Shores Tuesday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour of the facility.
The Beat Bama Food Drive is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. In 2017, Auburn collected 232,544 pounds of food to feed local families. This year they are hoping to raise even more.
Auburn University graduate Christopher “Chris” Maurice has been named a finalist for the Marshall Scholarship. A spring 2018 summa cum laude graduate in finance from the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business and native of Covington, Louisiana, Maurice will interview at the British Consulate in Atlanta on Tuesday, Nov. 6. If selected, he will pursue two master’s degrees in the United Kingdom: public policy from the University of Cambridge and international political economy at The London School of Economics.
Three outstanding alumni and ambassadors of Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine were honored Oct. 19 at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center by the college for their distinguished professional careers.
Auburn University’s National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence, or NCAME, has formed partnerships with Huntsville City Schools and the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Command, or AMRDEC, to further education and workforce development in the field of additive manufacturing from high school through graduate-level training.
Hurricane Michael caused almost $204 million in agricultural damage alone as it moved across Alabama. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Director Gary Lemme called it a devastating blow to farmers in the state’s Wiregrass region in southeast Alabama.
A fall tradition 30 years in the making is returning to The Plains this year. The annual Pumpkin Carve, hosted by students in Auburn University’s chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students, is set for Friday, Oct. 26.
Auburn University researchers are leading a $2 million U.S. Department of Energy project that promises to improve fuel efficiency and economy. The project will create a bio-based fuel additive that can be blended with diesel fuel to reduce soot and greenhouse gas emissions and yield cleaner engine operation in cold-weather conditions.
Joe Majdalani, the Hugh and Loeda Francis Chair of Excellence in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, has been awarded a $387,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant aims at developing fast, three-dimensional, stability prediction methodologies to improve the safety, performance and acoustic response of large combustors and power generation systems.
Hurricane Michael devastated crops in Alabama’s Wiregrass region. But for farmers to have access to the most disaster assistance, officials need comprehensive data on projected yields, estimated losses and other agricultural impacts. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Auburn University will lead the data collection effort, documenting the complete effect Hurricane Michael had on Wiregrass area farmers.
Alabama Extension has created a special website to help people recover from Hurricane Michael. The website,, is a source of information on recovery for families, communities and those in the agricultural industry. There you will find information on disaster assistance, storm cleanup, chain saw safety, scams after a disaster, mold abatement, post-storm tree assessment and also much more.
Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will hold its most popular continuing education programming and fellowship—the 111th Annual Conference and the 13th Annual J.T. Vaughan Equine Conference—Oct. 18-21.
The Auburn University Department of Theatre in the College of Liberal Arts is presenting “Detroit” beginning Thursday, Oct. 18, in the Black Box of Telfair Peet Theatre. Performances continue through Oct. 27.
Nearly 100 Auburn University faculty are gathering Oct. 23 for the 2018 Auburn Research Faculty Symposium in which they will discuss and display posters of their innovative research.
People and animals suffering from the deadliest form of brain cancer are undergoing similar treatment in an NIH-funded clinical trial through the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and two other currently enrolled Southeastern veterinary programs.
Auburn University’s eighth annual All In All Pink event to promote breast cancer and general health awareness will be held Friday, Oct. 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Campus Green.
Auburn University’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering has created a new exchange program, giving students the opportunity to gain international experience and earn credit hours by studying engineering for a semester in Offenburg, Germany.
Poets & Quants, a leader in online coverage of graduate business education, today announced that Auburn University’s Harbert College of Business is No. 2 in its 2019 Best Online MBA Programs ranking.
In recognition of life-changing research, outreach, instruction and creative scholarship, Auburn University will present 19 faculty members with its highest honors at the Faculty Awards ceremony Tuesday, Nov. 13, at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.
A University of Missouri scientist received the 2018 Nobel Prize in chemistry Oct. 3, and the recognized technology that he developed has ties and applications among former colleagues and other researchers in Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Auburn University’s Weaver Lecture Series will present a talk by Richard Pouyat, renowned scientist and national policy advisor, on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 3 p.m., immediately followed by a graduate research symposium and reception at 4:15 p.m. at the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.
Six outstanding alumni and ambassadors of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering were honored Sept. 28 at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center by the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council for their distinguished professional careers. These alumni included three who were recognized as Distinguished Auburn Engineers, two as Outstanding Young Auburn Engineers and one for Superior Service to the college.
Auburn University researchers and Atlanta Audubon Society volunteers studied birds and mosquitoes at 30 sites this summer in and around Atlanta—finding that the presence of West Nile virus is influenced by an area’s type of trees, variety of birds and size of forest patches.
An Auburn University professor says seasonal water deficits may limit the benefits for plant growth of earlier, warmer springs in the Northern Hemisphere, highlighting the impact of lagged effects of spring warmth on plant productivity during the subsequent summer and autumn, reports a paper in the Oct. 4 issue of the scientific journal, Nature. The publication is widely regarded as the world's most highly cited interdisciplinary science journal.
A home designed and built by a team of Auburn University students was recently dedicated as the Auburn-Opelika Habitat for Humanity’s 66th home.