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Education advocate Beth Thorne Stukes, who has helped raise more than $1 billion for Auburn as part of Because This is Auburn – A Campaign for Auburn University, will be the guest speaker at Auburn’s summer graduation ceremonies Saturday, Aug. 5, in Auburn Arena. Her most recent role as co-chair for the fundraising campaign caps a life of service to education. Approximately 1,160 new graduates will receive degrees.
Auburn University researchers have found sleep to be a significant factor in the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes among black American adults, compared to white American adults.
Auburn University’s National Center for Asphalt Technology was recognized Monday with resolutions from the Alabama Legislature commending the institution’s 30 years of service to the state.
As a child, Gerald Leischuck learned about hard work, responsibilities and difficult challenges. His most important experiences would come after he felt the desire to leave the daily burdens of farming and ranching and pursue his education.
Auburn University is encouraging students, faculty, staff, community, alumni and friends in the Auburn and Opelika communities to volunteer on one or both of the two move-in days for students in August. The move-in days are Friday, Aug. 11, and Thursday, Aug. 17, from 6 a.m. until 3 p.m. each day with approximately 1,800 students arriving on Aug. 11, and 2,000 students on Aug. 17.
Clemson University and Auburn University have joined forces to throw the weight of multiple academic disciplines behind efforts to save wild tiger populations worldwide. The two universities, along with Louisiana State University and the University of Missouri, are leading the efforts of the newly formed U.S. Tiger University Consortium, so named for the mascots that both institutions share.
Researchers at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine and UMass Medical School are nearing human clinical trials on a genetic therapy for two rare neurological diseases that are fatal to children.
A new study by researchers at Auburn University's Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Michigan State University, the University of Illinois, the University of Florida and China's Sun Yat-sen University indicates that a restful night of sleep can provide an important shield between workplace stress and impulsive and unhealthy after-hours eating. Their study—"Eating Your Feelings? Testing a Model of Employees' Work-Related Stressors, Sleep Quality, and Unhealthy Eating"—is believed to be one of the first to examine the links between sleep, psychological experiences at work and eating habits. The findings were recently published online in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Summer has arrived, and with the heat comes an increase in tick activity. It’s something many people have come to expect when thinking about spending time outdoors.
Cow-calf producers across the state will gain valuable insight on how to rebuild their herds successfully during the Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences’ 2017 Beef Cattle Conference Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena at 650 S. Donahue Drive in Auburn.
Joe Patching, who graduated from Auburn University's Harbert College of Business in May with a degree in finance, was recently awarded the NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship.
After Scott Flanary earned a spot as a competitor on the 29th season of the CBS adventure show "The Amazing Race," his friends and family members wanted to know if there was anything he wouldn't do in pursuit of the $1 million grand prize.