Auburn University, Sewon America establish training partnership

Published: July 05, 2023

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Officials with Auburn University and Sewon America, Inc. signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on June 23, to formalize a collaborative development of non-credit and for-credit training programs that lead to career opportunities.

The ceremony concluded with a check presentation by Sewon leaders to initiate funding for program development. Auburn University Outreach will coordinate the details of the joint efforts that address company-specific needs, teach applied skills and lead to automotive manufacturing jobs.

The partnership furthers Auburn’s commitment to supporting the automotive industry and suppliers in the region through impactful collaboration. In December, Auburn University and Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) initiated an MOU, expanding upon the collaborative research efforts of Auburn’s faculty and laboratories with local companies supported by KITECH.

The Division of University Outreach is comprised of eight specialized centers, institutes and offices, which provide a range of programs and services available to the public. Its mission is to improve the quality of life across Alabama and beyond.

Submitted by: Amanda Salatto

Three people stand with a $10,000 check at a presentation.

Sewon Group Inc. leaders present a check for $10,000 to Hope Stockton, assistant vice president for outreach and professional and continuing education, to initiate funding for the development of training programs.