Kinesiology doctoral student wins first place at Southeastern Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine meeting
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Students from Auburn's School of Kinesiology were well represented at this year's annual Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, or SEACSM, meeting, held Feb. 23-25. A student poster competition is held annually, and the abstracts of students who indicated their intention to compete go through additional screening to be selected. Finalists are then selected in the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral awards categories. During the meeting, a panel of judges selects each category's winners.
Doctoral student Paulo H.C. Mesquita was announced as the first-place Doctoral Student Award Poster winner. Other kinesiology finalists include Braxton A. Linder (doctoral), Mason C. McIntosh (doctoral), and Trent Agee (undergraduate). Mesquita will represent SEACSM in the Presidential Cup next month at the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting.
Submitted by: Miranda Nobles