Mock trial competition teams competing in fall tournaments
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The Auburn University mock trial competition team recently competed in the first two tournaments of the 2022-23 competition season. Two teams attended the Davidson Invitational, held at Davidson College on Oct. 22-23. Out of 20 teams, Team A finished in second place and Team B finished in fourth place. Bailey Fortenberry, Melina Lettieri and Elizabeth Bartlett won Best Attorney Awards, with Fortenberry named number one attorney by all judges in four rounds. Josh Carter won a Best Witness Award.
Members competing at the Davidson Invitational were:
Brinson Allen Jack Riley Armistead Elizabeth Bartlett Joshua Carter Molly Chandler Caroline Deale Leah Drake Jackson Faggard Gardner Flippo Bailey Fortenberry Alicia Jones Melina Lettieri Louis Levesque Matthew Parrish Claire Prestegard Laurel Ramey Kyra Reinstein Robin Selvan Danielle Simmons Brayden Simpson Logan Smith Anna Sweet
The 16th Annual Owl Classic was hosted by Kennesaw State on Oct. 29. Auburn's team took first place and received two individual awards: Caroline Deale, Best Attorney, and Anna Sweet, Best Witness. Members competing at the Owl Classic were:
Jack Riley Armistead Caroline Deale Meline Lettieri Louis Levesque Laurel Ramey Robin Selvan Anna Sweet
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