Mathematics education professor receives invitation to serve as a guest lecturer at Teachers College, Columbia University
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Marilyn E. Strutchens, Emily R. and Gerald S. Leischuck Endowed Professor and Mildred Cheshire Fraley Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education in the College of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Teaching, was recently invited to be a guest lecturer at Columbia University’s Teachers College Mathematics Department. Her presentation titled, “Over Thirty Years of Examining Constructs That Are Attainable and Elusive at the Same Time in Mathematics Education: Equity and Access,” was in the first fall mathematics colloquium.
The Program in Mathematics' Colloquium has existed for decades, meets four times each semester and is attended by graduate students and faculty from Teachers College, as well as faculty and practitioners from the New York region. A distinguished mathematician or mathematics educator presents during every session. Previous presenters include experts in the field such as Deborah Ball, Yakov Eliashberg, Guershon Harel, Pat Herbst, Gabriele Kaiser, Jeremy Kilpatrick, Bob Moses, Andrey Okounkov, Oleg Viro, Alan Schoenfeld, Gert Schubring and Zalman Usiskin. “It was an honor to share my work with faculty members and students at such a prestigious university,” Strutchens said. “I have always foregrounded equity and access in my work, and I am glad to see that mathematicians are seeking answers to problems that are so pervasive across mathematics education. I sincerely hope that during the discussion that participants were inspired to examine their instructional practices to see if they are using equitable teaching strategies and if not, they have begun to take steps toward improving their pedagogy. I believe that all stakeholders have to work together as partners to change mathematics from a gatekeeper to a door opener." Strutchens is known nationally and internationally for her work in the field of mathematics education. She currently serves as the leader of the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership’s Clinical Experiences Research Action Cluster and chair of the Advisory Committee for the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources. “Dr. Strutchens has a remarkable reputation as a mathematics education scholar,” said Jeffrey T. Fairbrother, dean of Auburn’s College of Education and Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor. “Her work has made a tremendous impact on teacher preparation and, in turn, on the quality of secondary mathematics instruction. Those of us who see her work firsthand are all extremely happy that she was recognized with an invitation from such a distinguished colloquium series.”Submitted by: Sheryl Caldwell