Tree Walk taking place across campus this week

Published: October 18, 2022

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Auburn University's Facilities Management, the Davis Arboretum and members of the Tree Care Advisory Committee invite the Auburn Family to join them for a "Tree Walk" around campus during their lunch hour the week of Oct. 17– 20.

This event encourages those who join to focus their attention towards the beauty of the campus’s canopy. As one of the founding campuses to participate in the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Campus Higher Education program during its inception in 2008, Auburn maintains its commitment to trees and the benefits they provide as they welcome you along on this event.

Groups will be meeting in various locations across campus to walk and learn how to identify some common-to-Auburn trees and some that are not so common.

Monday, Oct. 17, at 11:45 a.m.: Meet at Melton Student Center main entrance Walk through Campus Green grove and the Amphitheater. Meet our largest pines and largest eastern redbud.

Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 11:45 a.m.: Meet at: Langdon Hall Walk through Samford Park and the Library Lawn. Meet our largest sycamore and oldest elm.

Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 11:45 a.m.: Meet at M White Smith Hall on Lem Morrison Drive. Walk through the Garden of Memory and the Arboretum. Meet some of the most unique species on campus.

Thursday, Oct. 20, at 11:45 a.m.: Meet at College of Forestry Building on Duncan Drive. Walk through Poultry Science front lawn and Weagle Woods. Meet our oldest pines, tallest sassafras and Alabama’s largest American beech.

For more information regarding the tour visit

Submitted by: Morgan Pendergrass