Alabama Prison Arts and Education Project hosting film series

Published: October 17, 2022

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With the generous support of Auburn University’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity, The Alabama Prison Arts and Education Project, or APAEP, in partnership with Auburn University Libraries invites you to three Community Conversations focused on incarceration in the U.S.Each gathering includes the screening of a documentary film that speaks directly about prisons in Alabama or highlights issues faced by communities across the country, including those in our state. Guided by these films, we will gather for conversation with people directly impacted by incarceration including teachers and healthcare providers that work in prisons and scholars who study the U.S. prison system.The Auburn Family is encourged to join us to share, listen, learn, question and connect. The events are free and complimentary refreshments will be served. We will gather in the Caroline Marshall Draughon Lecture Room 0019 on the lower level of the Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University.Event details are as follows:


Monday, Oct. 242 p.m. - 4 p.m.Tutwiler (2020; 34 minutes)RBD Library 0019Tutwiler accompanies members of Alabama’s Prison Birth Project as they support people incarcerated at Alabama’s Tutwiler Prison for Women through pregnancy, delivery, and the painful separation from their newborn children one or two days after giving birth.Monday, Nov. 142 p.m.-5 p.m.Prison in Twelve Landscapes (2016; 87 minutes),RBD Library 0019Prison in Twelve Landscapes observes how mass incarceration affects places and lives beyond the prison walls, such as an impoverished Appalachian coal town betting its future on the promise of prison jobs and people waiting on a street corner in NYC for a bus that will take them to visit relatives incarcerated in upstate prisons.Monday, Jan. 232 p.m.-4:30 p.m.The Dhamma Brothers (2007; 76 minutes)RBD Library 0019The Dhamma Brothers follows a group of men incarcerated at Alabama’s Donaldson Correctional Facility who participated in a ten-day intensive retreat based on the principles of Vipassana meditation. With nowhere else to go, the men turn inward and describe revisiting deep-rooted pain, guilt, and hopelessness. They also affirm the freedom that comes with truth, forgiveness, and grace.To register for the events, please visit learn more, visit us at this link.