Nominations and applications sought for interim department head of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology in College of Education
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The College of Education is seeking internal candidates to serve as the Interim Department Head of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology, or EFLT, in the College of Education.
This process must move quickly with the goal of naming an interim by July 15. The person selected as interim department head must be a full professor and will not be eligible to be a candidate for the regularly appointed position.
The position reports directly to the dean of the College of Education. The interim department head will serve until the position is filled.
The following people are serving on the EFLT Interim Department Head Advisory Committee:
Committee Chair Cari Dunn, acting associate dean of academic affairs, College of Education
Jason Bryant-associate clinical professor and director, Truman Pierce Institute, College of Education
Leslie Cordie-associate professor, College of Education
Lisa Kensler-Emily R. and Gerald S. Leischuck Endowed Professor for Educational Leadership, College of Education
William Murrah-associate professor, College of Education
Leonard Taylor-associate professor, College of Education
Robyn Westbrook-academic programs and graduate program officer, College of Education
Please send your nominations to Cari Dunn ( by 5 p.m. on June 23. Self-nominations are welcomed.
As nominations are submitted, Dunn will contact the nominees to confirm that they are interested. Nominees who choose to move forward will be required to submit a vitae and a one- to two-page letter addressing their interest in and qualifications for the position by 5 p.m. June 27.
Finalists will participate in open forums on July 6-7, 2022. Each candidate will deliver a 15-minute presentation that addresses the following: their conception of the role of the department head; their leadership style, approach and experience; why they are interested in the position; and the strengths they bring to the position. The presentation will be followed by a 15-30 minute Q&A, depending on the number of candidates. EFLT faculty and staff and the COE Leadership Council will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the candidates via a Qualtrics survey. The committee will provide Dean Jeffrey Fairbrother a summary of the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses based on the open forums, the candidates’ CV, the letter and feedback from the forums. Dean Fairbrother will name the interim department head after reviewing the information submitted by the committee.
Submitted by: Miranda Nobles