Student exhibits on 'Art of the Book' in RBD Library

Published: June 14, 2022

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Auburn University Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives has just opened eight new student-curated exhibits with the common theme of “The Art of the Book.” These exhibits are located in the Special Collections and Archives department reading room on the ground floor of the Ralph Brown Draughon Library.

The exhibits were created by students in the Honors College course HONR3007 – The Art of the Book. The eight exhibits, containing materials from the medieval era to the present day, look into the art and craft of book design and illustration. Each exhibit has a topical theme chosen by the student, not necessarily reflecting their academic majors. The student exhibit curators chose materials from special collections, researched and created exhibit labels and crafted the wall texts to explain their exhibits.

The exhibits are available for viewing during all regular Special Collections and Archives hours and will remain on display through fall semester 2022. With the installation of these exhibits, Special Collections has achieved a milestone; every exhibit in its reading room is currently student curated.

Submitted by: Jayson Hill