Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences students summer outreach collaborating with REACH
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This summer, students from the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Clinical Professor Laura Willis are honored to collaborate with the Refresh, Encourage, Activites, Care and Hope, or REACH, Community Respite Ministry.
The Respite program was established to offer support to individuals living with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of memory loss, as well as their care partners. REACH offers two weekly sessions for participants on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a fee of $35 per day. Eligible participants engage in mental, physical and social exercises with volunteers. REACH has openings for new participants as well as welcoming new volunteers.
Auburn United Methodist Church hosts the program which is supported by additional churches in the community. Sarah Jones is the Director of the REACH program and can be reached at sarahj@aumc.net or (334) 826-8800.
Submitted by: Laura Willis