Global Teaching Academy inducts three new faculty for outstanding internationalization accomplishments
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Created in 2014, the Global Teaching Academy recognizes and celebrates exceptional teaching in an international context. Since its inception, the Academy has welcomed some two dozen colleagues and recognized their efforts in internationalizing Auburn University’s curricula and student experiences. On April 25, the Office of International Programs hosted an induction ceremony to honor the three newest members of the Academy. Interim Provost Vini Nathan, Assistant Provost for International Programs Andrew Gillespie and members of the Academy attended the ceremony to congratulate and celebrate the Academy’s newest members.
Garry L. Adams, doctoral degree from Florida State University, is an associate professor in strategic management at Auburn. Adams' research interests include corporate governance, power and politics in organizations, organizational learning and resource management, and merger and acquisition integration processes. His work has been published or is in press outlets such as the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Business Horizons, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Journal of Managerial Issues and the initial volume of The Many Faces of Multi-Level Issues, among others. Adams currently serves on the editorial boards of Group and Organization Management and the African Journal of Management. He has served as a reviewer for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, Knowledge Management Research and Practice and Journal of Applied Social Psychology. He is currently serving as a program director for the Harbert College of Business study abroad programs, leading study abroad, consulting projects, MBA cultural and business trips and student internship programs in South Africa, Morocco, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain. Adams has served as the director of Placement Services for the Academy of Management, in the officer rotation, South Management Association, or SMA, president in the 2018-19 academic year and on the Board of the SMA, as well as the Board of Directors for the Auburn-Opelika Habitat for Humanity and Haddie’s Home. Adams also has prior work experience in the oil refining industry.
Kelly Ann Krawczyk is an associate professor and the doctoral program director in the Department of Political Science. Krawczyk’s research focuses on the relationship between civil society and democratic governance. She is specifically interested in how civil society impacts political behavior. Her research has been published in journals of public administration and civil society, including Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations and the Journal of Civil Society. She has also authored book chapters, as well as governmental and professional publications for the Governance Commission of Liberia and the World Bank. She is currently working on an edited volume under contract with Palgrave Macmillan entitled “Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: The Contributions of Women to Development in West Africa," edited by Kelly Krawczyk, Bridgett King and Atta Ceesay.
Krawczyk regularly teaches a course called Public Administration, Civil Society and Democracy, and has traveled with students as part of this course to Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and South Africa. This graduate-level course employs an African country as a case study to explore the relationships between public administration, civil society and democracy. The course also includes a two-week trip during the semester. Students learn about governance processes and institutions, public administration and civil society through in-country interaction with civil servants, members of civil society, academics and citizens. The trip also provides students the opportunity to engage in rapid assessment field research and to engage in cultural and tourist activities.
Krawczyk is a founding committee member of the Strengthening Research on Civil Society in West Africa project, an initiative of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, or ARNOVA, funded by the Ford Foundation. She is also a Democracy & Development fellow at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development, or CDD-Ghana. Krawczyk is a co-founder of the Global Development Solutions, or GDS, Lab at Auburn. The GDS Lab is an interdisciplinary initiative at Auburn that fosters global research, teaching and community-engaged scholarship. The mission of the GDS Lab is to advance global research, teaching and engaged scholarship that promotes sustainable community development, protects civic space and leverages the synergies between the disciplines of nonprofit studies, philanthropy and social work.Dan Padgett, doctoral degree from Pennsylvania State University, is an associate professor of marketing who joined Auburn from Tulane University in 2005. His research interests include promotion strategy, pricing, services marketing and international marketing.
His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Management International Review, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Marketing Education, Marketing Education Review and Journal of Global Marketing, among others. He is coauthor of a principles of marketing textbook: Applied Marketing, John Wiley & Sons 2e, which is also available in a Canadian version.
Padgett teaches principles of marketing and strategy courses at the undergraduate and graduate/executive level and has won teaching awards at both levels. He has international experience training marketing and sales managers, particularly in China, having taught executive programs on sales management and marketing strategy for the China Europe International Business School, or CEIBS, in Shanghai and Ghana, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Nordic International Management Institute.
Padgett is the currently director/co-director of the Harbert College of Business, or HCoB, 12-week summer abroad Complete Business Minor program and Fast Track business core program in Rome and Madrid. For Summer 2022 these programs include almost 100 students, 10 faculty members and have a budget of over $1 million. He also served previously as director of the HCoB summer internship programs in London, Dublin, Prague, Rome and Madrid, as well as the consulting project programs in China's cities of Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing, as well as Rome and Madrid. He has also served on the HCoB Global Programs Committee for the past seven years.
These three faculty members were selected for their accomplishments in international research and teaching and their commitment to internationalizing Auburn’s curriculum in their respective areas of study. As members of the Academy, the faculty will play an essential role in Auburn’s biannual International Perspectives on University Teaching and Learning Symposium, scheduled for May 28-30, 2023 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, and will strive to uphold the goals of the Academy:
• Recognize our peers for their interest and efforts in globalizing Auburn's curriculum• Facilitate international course offerings on campus to complement the recent growth of study abroad courses and exchange programs offered overseas• Create a supportive, interdisciplinary environment for students to internationalize their academic programs• Induct our recognized academy members into Phi Beta Delta, the honor society for international scholars
For more information on the Global Teaching Academy, please visit the Office of International Programs’ website.
Submitted by: Kalani Long