Reminder: Faculty, staff, students invited to participate in 2022 campus climate survey
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Building upon campus climate studies conducted in 2016 and 2021, Auburn University is formally and anonymously assessing students, staff, faculty, post-doctoral scholars and administrative and professional employees about their experiences and perceptions of campus and/or workplace climate during the Spring 2022 semester.
Student Affairs and the Office of Inclusion and Diversity, or OID, have partnered with SoundRocket to administer the campus climate survey to campus. SoundRocket has administered climate studies across professional industries, including other research-intensive institutions of higher education. Surveying began the week of March 28 and will continue until mid-to-late April. To take part in the survey, Auburn constituents should monitor their Auburn University email account for survey distribution and reminders.
This study is one part of Auburn University’s ongoing efforts to foster a supportive, healthy and inclusive campus for all members of the Auburn Family. After data is collected, executive summaries and other reporting will be generated at the campus level. Unit-level reports will be created and distributed to senior leaders of their respective area at a later date.
To ensure confidentiality of data, the survey was developed and is being conducted by SoundRocket, a survey research firm located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. SoundRocket has been hired by Auburn University Student Affairs and OID to conduct the study and to protect faculty, staff and student confidentiality.
Frequently asked questions can be found at this link. To learn more about SoundRocket, please visit their web page here.
OID and Student Affairs hosted an open forum for participants to learn more about SoundRocket and the campus climate survey process.
Thank you for your participation and for helping build the best Auburn experience for all members of the Auburn Family. For more updates on the climate survey and other inclusion efforts, please visit
For more information regarding this survey and all available findings, please contact the below individuals:
Taffye Benson Clayton, vice president and associate provost, Office of Inclusion and Diversity
Bobby Woodard, senior vice president, Student Affairs
Corey Edwards, assistant to the senior vice president, Student Affairs
Abby Langham, director, assessment and strategic planning, Student Affairs
JuWan Robinson, chief of staff and special assistant, Office of Inclusion and Diversity