Employee Appreciation Week begins April 25
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Employee Appreciation Week, which is set for April 25-29, is a time to recognize the Auburn employees who make our campus such a great place to work. Each day, a special event will be held to honor our full-time, part-time and temporary employees.
The schedule of events is listed below. Additional information is available on our Employee Appreciation Week website, here:• Monday, April 25: Departmental Celebration. All events must adhere to Auburn University Spending Policies and Procedures.• Tuesday, April 26: National Walk at Lunch Day, noon to 1 p.m., various locations across campus• Wednesday, April 27: Employee Appreciation Event, invitation only.• Thursday, April 28: Guest Speaker Patrick Henry, noon to 1 p.m., Melton Student Center, A limited number of seats will be available–first come, first serve. The event will also be shared on Zoom.• Friday, April 29: Gift Giveaway to Employees and Service Award Recipients, 7:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., Haley Center Concourse. Employees must bring their employee identification badge to receive their gift and/or Service Award.
Please visit the website linked above or email univhr@auburn.edu with any questions.
Submitted by: Patrick Johnston