Public Service Loan Forgiveness program new website now available
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A new website on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness, or PSLF, program is now available.
The PSLF program encourages graduating college students and professionals to work full-time in public service in exchange for partial loan forgiveness on some of their federal student loans, if the individual is approved to participate in the program and meets all requirements.
About the website:
• The website is available here.• i2Verify provides much of the content on the website, including FAQs. i2Verify works with AU Human Resources to provide immediate access to employment and wage data.• The website also includes a video presentation from Lee Busby of Johnson Sterling. He shared this presentation during last year’s Virtual Benefits Fair.
For more information on the program:
Johnson Sterling has been retained to help guide Auburn employees through the PSLF application process. For additional information, call 334-887-5533.
Submitted by: Patrick Johnston