Open forums announced for Harrison College of Pharmacy interim dean candidates
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The search committee for the position of interim dean of the Harrison College of Pharmacy has identified two finalists. Each finalist will participate in a campus-wide open forum on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. The forums will be held via Zoom on the following date/times:
Timothy Moore
Date: Wednesday, April 13
Time: 11 a.m.–11:50 a.m.
Paul Jungnickel
Date: Wednesday, April 13
Time: noon–12:50 p.m.
Members of the campus community are invited to attend the forums and may submit evaluations through Friday, April 15, at 4:45 p.m.
Each open forum will be recorded and made available for those who cannot attend. If you cannot attend or would prefer to not ask a question personally, please send the question to George Flowers at A member of the search committee will ask the question if there is available time in the Q&A period. However, first priority will be given to questions asked by those attending the session.
Candidate information, including CVs, Zoom links, open forum session recordings and evaluation links, will be made available on the search website (AU login required). Please direct any questions or concerns to George Flowers, Chair of the Search Committee.
Submitted by: Elizabeth Anderson