OID invites attendees to lunch and learn session on approaching student achievement through diversity, equity and inclusion lens
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Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a lunch and learn session hosted by the Office of Inclusion and Diversity from noon-1 p.m. on Monday, April 11, in Room 2143 of the Brown-Kopel Student Achievement Center.
Tonika Boyd, director of the Cross Cultural Center for Excellence, and Rochelle Johnson, director of Diversity Education and Engagement, will provide an overview on student achievement through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens. Boyd and Johnson have experience in strategically addressing access, success, opportunities and outcomes for underrepresented student populations.
Auburn University is placing increasing emphasis on student achievement through AUBURNACHIEVE, the university’s next Quality Enhancement Plan. In direct alignment with and in the pursuit of excellence in student achievement, Auburn’s campus is enhanced by the centering on equity and inclusion.
In that work, concepts such as asset-minded frameworks, equity-mindedness and inclusive pedagogy serve as catalysts to create systemic change, particularly for underrepresented populations. Participants in this session will define core concepts like an asset-minded perspective, apply techniques to shift inquiry and practice from a deficit mindset to an asset mindset and identify opportunities to center asset-minded practices into student achievement initiatives.
For additional information, contact Johnson at rwj0009@auburn.edu.
Submitted by: Katie Boyd