Expressions of a BraveHeart accepting volunteers
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Expressions of a BraveHeart is a fine arts program for teens and young adults with moderate to severe disabilities. We are looking for short-term (six Monday night sessions) volunteers. With a couple of hours on a Monday night, participants could help a special teen explore their creativity, develop and reinforce friendships, support empowerment through choices and become a more integral part of the community.
BraveHearts meets six times during the semester. Onsite training is scheduled for Feb. 7 from 5–6 p.m. at the Opelika Spostsplex. It is sponsored by the Social Work Program and Opelika Parks and Recreation and located at the Opelika Sportsplex.
Visit the Expressions of a BraveHeart website for more information or contact professor Angie Burque at
Submitted by: Danilea Werner