Dai to give Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture Jan. 26
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Foster Dai, Bryghte D. and Patricia M Godbold Endowed Chair Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, will give Auburn University’s 2021-22 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 3 p.m. in Grand Hall 2 of the Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center.
The lecture, which is jointly sponsored by the Graduate School and the Auburn Alumni Association, was established to honor a faculty member who has made significant contributions to graduate education at Auburn University. Dai’s address is titled “Bridging the Real and Digital Worlds–Integrated Circuit Design for Data-Converters.”
Following the lecture, a reception with light refreshments will be held in Grand Hall 3 of Brown-Kopel. Students, faculty and members of the community are invited to attend. For more information about the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture, visit aub.ie/DGFL2021.
Submitted by: Elizabeth Anderson