Scientific illustration student showcase on display in Ralph Brown Draughon Library
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John Beckmann of Entomology and Plant Pathology collaborated with Jonah Lasley and Chelsy Hooper of the Innovation and Research Commons, or I&RC, to showcase student scientific illustration artwork on the VisionPort (formally known as the Liquid Galaxy) display on the first floor of Ralph Brown Draughon Library.
While most of Beckmann’s students do not have a background in art, they learn and practice techniques in digital drawing and layering using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator over the course of a semester in Entomology 6660. Students also created explanatory videos of their designs using Zoom, Adobe Premiere Rush and Adobe Premiere Pro to describe the process they used to create their original artwork. Jonah Lasley worked with Beckmann to organize and arrange more than 80 pieces of juried student artwork as a cohesive exhibit.
Scientific specimens drawn digitally to exact specifications and other original images supporting the students’ research can be viewed in the display loop on the VisionPort seven-panel display on Dec. 8 running exclusively, after which it will also be viewable as part of the all-student work display loop along with other classes’ work in the coming months.
Submitted by: Jayson Hill