OIT and the Biggio Center announce Student Learning Through Immersive Virtual Experiences grant recipients

Published: August 31, 2021

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The Office of Information Technology and the Biggio Center are excited to announce the awardees of the Auburn University Student Learning Through Immersive Virtual Experiences grant.  Tapping into ideas from pandemic-driven remote-instruction, our collaborative team created this new funding opportunity to better facilitate faculty’s ideas for greater engagement and enhanced learning outcomes from virtual and immersive learning experiences.  Beginning in April, faculty were encouraged to identify opportunities for implementing innovative technology, including augmented and virtual reality, to transform teaching and learning experiences for Auburn students.  The proposals received during this process were substantial, impressive and innovative.  Six proposals were selected to be funded at a total of $191,692.50 and will pursue implementation as early as spring 2022. The awardees and proposal titles are listed below.

  • J Rachel Prado, Allie Brandriet and Vanessa Falcao (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) - Naming R or S Stereoisomers with Virtual Reality Training 

  • Kimberly B Garza (Department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy) - Combining Haptics with VR to Support Professional Identity Development in Student Pharmacists through Empathy for Patients

  • Mark Traynor (Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Hospitality Management) - Food Safety Immersive Virtual Experience

  • Michael P Howard and Symone Alexander (Department of Chemical Engineering) - Nano to Macro: Virtual-reality Enhanced Learning in the Chemical Sciences and Engineering
  • Rick Williams (Department of Mechanical Engineering) - Using Virtual Reality Immersion to Improve Student Learning in Engineering

  • Tiffani Chidume (School of Nursing) - Making Virtual Reality a Reality for Auburn University School of Nursing and Collaboratives

Submitted by: Alycia Baggett