Auburn reminds of latest COVID-19 protocol amid start of fall semester
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As fall semester begins, the Auburn Family is being reminded of the university’s latest COVID-19 protocols. Any student, faculty or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to submit an online self-report form. Students who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 also should submit a self-report form. This step is very important in helping Auburn monitor any emerging trends should they occur. Auburn also recently launched a vaccine incentive program, which provides students the opportunity to win prizes as an incentive to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Students who are both fully vaccinated and enrolled for fall semester 2021 are eligible to participate and can enter the incentive program online here. Additionally, all in the Auburn Family are required to wear face coverings inside all indoor locations on campus, and anyone not feeling well is asked to stay home and consult a physician.
For more information about Auburn’s protocols—to include details about when someone should quarantine and for what duration—visit the university’s COVID-19 Resource Center website.