Safety improvements now in place at the intersection of Biggio and Samford

Published: August 02, 2021

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The new protected intersection at Samford Avenue and Biggio Drive is now open for traffic, providing a safer route for bicyclists and pedestrians along the busy intersection.

The first constructed in Alabama, the protected intersection utilizes corner safety islands that bring together sidewalks and bike lanes to reduce the crosswalk distance while providing enhanced visibility for pedestrians.

The intersection is still a two-way stop-controlled intersection along Biggio Drive with four activated flashing crosswalk warning signs on West Samford Avenue.

Bicyclists will see the biggest change. Instead of continuing along the bike lane in the roadway, the lanes now merge with the sidewalk at each corner, bringing them into the corner safety islands as well.

View a video that visually explains how to navigate the new intersection.

Submitted by: Casper Wood