Harbert College of Business graduate executive students engage with policymakers in Washington, D.C.
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Physicians Executive MBA and Executive MBA Healthcare students from the Harbert College of Business were in Washington D.C. June 13-15, talking with some of the nation’s top healthcare professionals and policymakers, including Howard Dean, former Vermont governor and 2004 presidential candidate. Dean, a physician and universal healthcare advocate, led a session on "The Politics and Economics of Health Care in the US."
The U.S. Healthcare Policy trip is a highlight of the 21-month PEMBA and EMBA Healthcare programs. During three days of sessions, class of 2022 students discussed issues and policy with 13 renowned physicians and lawmakers, all experienced in healthcare legislation. The Harbert College of Busniess is thankful that the Washington Campus, a non-profit higher education consortium, and the Southern Medical Association, whose mission is improving patient care through professional education, hosted this student event and facilitated these impactful discussions.
Submitted by: Gregg Bass