Employee conflict of interest/commitment reporting period July 15-Aug. 30 for FY22, trainings available in June and July
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The annual Conflict of Interest/Commitment reporting period for all full-time employees will be July 15 -Aug. 30, for FY22. In previous years, the annual disclosure occurred in October. The shift to July/August will better coincide with the academic calendar and the hiring of new employees for the fall semester.
Two live Zoom trainings on Conflict of Interest are available for employees:
• Thursday, June 24, 3–4:30 p.m.
• Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 10–11:30 a.m.
Employees can register for the course UC100 Conflicts of Interest through Fast-Train in AU Access. Employees can also complete a self-paced, one-hour e-Learning course, UC110E Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment available in Fast-Train.
The purpose of the disclosure process is to enable the university to assist employees in proactively managing potential conflicts of interest that could impact the performance of its mission and to help prevent employees from violating state ethics laws and/or federal regulations regarding research.
Employees are required by the AU Conflict of Interest Policy to disclose basic information, or recertify their prior disclosure, about financial and other outside interests or activities that could have the appearance of influencing or interfering with their university responsibilities.
The Division of Institutional Compliance and Privacy and the Office of Research Compliance facilitate the conflict of interest disclosure and management process. Employees and research investigators will only need to complete the online disclosure once per year and make updates within 30 days of any change in their financial interests or relationships.
Additional information and resources about Conflicts of Interest/Commitment are available on the Division of Institutional Compliance & Privacy website and on the Research Compliance website.
For questions or concerns, please contact Kristin Roberts, compliance manager in the Division of Institutional Compliance and Privacy at 334-844-4398.
For research related inquiries, contact Milly Tye, research integrity manager, OVPRED at 334-844-8601.
Submitted by: Kristin Roberts