Auburn Reading Center to offer Summer Reading Tutoring in Haley Center this summer

Published: May 06, 2021

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The Auburn University Reading Center will offer individualized Summer Reading Tutoring, or SRT, this June and July for children who are not yet reading accurately and fluently.

Summer 2021 will be the 22nd year for the program, which begins June 2 and concludes July 19, with holidays on June 23 and July 5. The tutoring program will feature a dozen 45-minute tutorial sessions, and tutoring will be from 8-8:45 a.m. Monday and Wednesday mornings in or around 2423 Haley Center.

Tutors. The Early Childhood Education program will bring a group of tutors to the program this summer, providing special opportunities for primary-grade children to get extra help in reading. In addition, graduate students studying to become reading specialists may be available to work with older struggling readers.

The program. The tutoring program is designed for children struggling with decoding, fluency or comprehension. It is not an enrichment program for fluent readers or an English program for speakers of other languages. We expect all participants to improve their decoding ability, reading fluency, comprehension and enjoyment of reading through participation in the reading tutoring.

The tutoring program features individually designed lessons with explicit instruction in decoding, fluency and comprehension, as well as plenty of meaningful reading and writing. Tutors monitor progress closely during each session and assess reading during the first and last sessions to measure reading gains. After the program, tutors compose a report for parents about each child’s current progress in reading, with recommendations for each student.

Social distancing. Summer Reading Tutoring will feature live instruction this summer. Tutors and children will wear masks to limit the possibility of airborne infection and will practice social distancing. Tutors will provide duplicate sets of materials for modeling and student practice, and most reading will be from laptop computers.

Testimonial. One parent wrote, “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your reading program. It is probably the best reading program I have ever experienced! I am a former first-grade teacher and always looking for different ideas to share with my own children. I love the idea of your program being so individualized. I feel like every child was ‘coached’ on his/her ability level and not just grade level.”

Tuition. The cost of the program is $80, which includes tuition and all necessary supplies. This fee can be paid in cash, by check payable to Auburn University, or by credit card upon acceptance into the program.

Applying for SRT. Priority will be given to children experiencing reading difficulties now in kindergarten through second grade who have had difficulties in learning to read accurately and fluently and who can meet for all 12 sessions. Interested parents or caretakers may follow the link below for an application form, call 334-844-6934, or write to Dr. Bruce Murray, Summer Reading Program, 5040 Haley Center, Auburn University, AL 36849.

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Submitted by: George Littleton