Researchers seek participants for brain imaging study
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People between 19 and 55 years of age may be eligible to participate in a brain imaging research study of the effect of stressful life events on short-term memory.
This study involves a Zoom meeting and a visit to Auburn University. During the Zoom meeting, eligible participants will be asked to complete several questionnaires followed by an interview with a researcher. Questions will relate to mental health and stressful life events. Some participants will be invited for a second part during which they will be asked to undergo an MRI scan of the brain while completing a short-term memory task. Total time commitment for the study is approximately 4.5 hours (1 hour for questionnaires, 1.5 hours for the Zoom interview and 2 hours for the MRI scans). Total time in the MRI scanner is approximately 75 minutes.
Participants will be compensated $15 for the interview and up to $35 for the MRI scan.
Exclusions for this study include any metal in the body (not including dental work), claustrophobia, body piercing jewelry that cannot be removed, and pregnant or possibly pregnant.
If you are interested in participating, email to determine eligibility.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Meredith Reid, AU MRI Research Center, (IRB # 18-217 MR 1807)
Submitted by: Chris Anthony