RBD Library food polices change for spring 2021
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To help us continue providing safe and clean learning spaces at the Ralph Brown Draughon, or RBD, Library and in consultation with various campus units, Auburn University Libraries will be making the following change to in-building food polices for spring 2021.
Effective Jan. 11, 2021, food may only be eaten in the area directly adjacent to the Panera Bread on the second floor of the RBD Library. No food of any kind may be consumed in any other part of the RBD Library.
While in the area around Panera Bread, face coverings may be removed to consume food but otherwise must be worn. This will allow students to still be able have meals in the library, minimizing interruption to their studies, while making it easier to remain masked in the rest of the building.
In all other areas of the building face coverings must be worn at all times. In all areas of the library, including the area around Panera, proper social distancing must be maintained at all times.
This policy change will be in effect until further notice.
Submitted by: Jayson Hill