Safe Zone LGBTQ+ Ally training offered Jan. 19
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The 4-hour Safe Zone training will be offered this spring semester through HRD via Zoom on Jan. 19, 12:45-4:45 p.m.
Every member of the Auburn Family deserves the opportunity to be academically and socially successful, including our LGBTQ+ students. You are invited to participate in an interactive, professional development training designed to address issues related to working with LGBTQ+ students. Safe Zone training can empower and equip participants to become informed allies who are willing to provide a safe environment for all Auburn students. Safe Zone addresses sexual orientation and gender identity topics, including terminology and ways to manage situations that may be encountered.
You can register for the Jan. 19 training through Fast-Train. If you cannot attend that day/time but are interested in coordinating a Safe Zone training for your office, group, organization, etc., email Brandy Smith at to coordinate for at least 10 attendees.
Submitted by: Brandy Smith