Campus encouraged to participate in exit testing before holidays

Published: November 18, 2020

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If you have not already had COVID-19, you are encouraged to consider getting tested for active COVID-19 infection before holiday travel or spending time with family and friends.

Small gatherings, such as holiday celebrations, present ideal conditions for viral spread. Testing for COVID-19 can help you make informed decisions that can help protect the health of those around you, including loved ones who may be vulnerable to complications from the virus. 

Below are options available to those who choose to take this important step:

  1. Use an at-home testing kit. A limited number of free testing kits are available for enrolled students and employees. You should receive results within 48 hours of your sample arriving to the lab, but this is not guaranteed. The at-home testing option is best for people with flexible travel plans or those who are not required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test when traveling. Kits may be picked up from the Scholarship Room at Beard-Eaves-Memorial Coliseum, 8 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 17 through Friday, Nov. 20. Testing kits will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, until supplies run out.

  2. Get tested through the AU Medical Clinic or another health care provider. This option is best for those planning to travel to destinations that require proof of a negative COVID-19 test or a period of self-quarantine upon entry, and it is a convenient option for everyone. There are multiple testing locations in the Auburn area, and cost varies by location. Before getting tested, be sure to ask about the timeline for getting your results.

  3. Consider antibody testing. If you believe you may have had COVID-19 because you experienced symptoms and tested negative, you were credibly exposed or think you may have had an asymptomatic infection, then you may want to consider getting an antibody blood test. Antibody testing is available through theAU Medical Clinic, the AU Pharmaceutical Care Center and other health care providers. 

Remember, test results are representative of your health at the time of testing, and a negative test does not lessen the importance of wearing face coverings, practicing physical distancing, frequently sanitizing hands and adhering to other guidelines for a safe holiday. Before traveling, be sure to confirm the requirements of your destination and follow recommendations for traveling safely.

If you have questions about whether you should test or quarantine before traveling, please contact the COVID-19 Resource Center via email or by calling 334-844-6000 for guidance.