Summerfield invited to be part of Yale University lecture series
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Giovanna Summerfield, professor and associate dean for educational affairs in the College of Liberal Arts, has been invited by Yale University to give a presentation on Nov. 30, at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The presentation is about multilingualism and multiculturalism and will be given to graduate students and faculty both in the United States and in Italy as part of a series called Linguistic Futures.
Summerfield will unpack some of the most recent findings about intercultural skills demand and supply, while exploring some of the strategies and connections with diverse campus and off-campus units she has started and implemented during her years of service at Auburn. She will specifically focus on her ongoing collaboration with learning communities, career services, interdisciplinary studies, as well as international partner institutions and outreach units, while extending some examples of innovative pedagogical tools and engaging with the audience for an informal Q&A.
Summerfield received her PhD in romance languages and literatures with a minor in European and Mediterranean history from the University of Florida. She has published and presented extensively on the long eighteenth-century French and Italian literature (emphasis on Sicilian writers), religious and philosophical movements, film and women's studies. She has served as an Imagining America Fellow and twice as Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar for TEMA Master, University of Catania, Italy. Presently she serves as a book review coordinator for Modern Italy, Cambridge University Press.
Submitted by: Vicky Santos