Safe Zone LGBTQ+ Ally training offered Sept. 21 

Published: September 09, 2020

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The 4-hour Safe Zone LGBTQ+ Ally training will be offered this fall semester through HRD via Zoom on Monday, Sept. 21, from 12:45-4:45 p.m.

Every member of the Auburn Family deserves the opportunity to be academically and socially successful, including our LGBTQ+ students. You are invited to participate in an interactive, professional development training program designed to address issues related to working with LGBTQ+ students. Safe Zone training can empower and equip participants to become informed allies who are willing to provide a safe environment for all Auburn students.

You can register for the Sept. 21 training through Fast-Train. If you cannot attend at that time but are interested in coordinating a Safe Zone training for your office, group, organization, etc., email Brandy Smith to coordinate.

Submitted by: Brandy Smith