Message from the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs
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Thank you for continuing to take extraordinary steps to keep one another safe. As a result of your efforts, Auburn has announced revisions to university policies, a few of which directly impact students. The updates, effective Monday, Sept. 28, include:
- Face coverings are required outdoors only when physical distancing is not possible. You must continue to wear face coverings inside all campus buildings.
- Events with up to 100 attendees are permitted. All events must be approved through the regular channels and follow all university safety guidance.
- University-sponsored student travel is still not permitted. This extends to Study Abroad programs, as well as club sport and student organization trips.
Your well-being continues to be our top priority, and every change was made based on guidance from public health officials. For the past few weeks, we have seen a significant decline in COVID-19 cases on campus, in the community and across the state. There are also fewer students who have been asked to quarantine or isolate. If scenarios change, we will adjust university policies accordingly.
These revisions are certainly welcome changes, and they should motivate us to continue our hard work. The positive health trends we are experiencing are a direct result of our all-in commitment to following important safety protocols, specifically wearing face coverings and practicing physical distancing.
This weekend, it is crucial that you remain vigilant. Each gameday moves us even closer to the end of the semester. To keep our momentum, we must remain focused on finishing fall strong. Thank you for doing your part to keep Auburn A Healthier U!
War Eagle!
Bobby R. Woodard, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs