REU in algebra and discrete mathematics selected by National Science Foundation for renewal of funding
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Auburn University Research Experience for Undergraduates, or REU, in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics has been selected by the National Science Foundation, or NSF, for renewal of funding at $259,200 for an additional three years. This program is a continuation of successful NSF funded REU programs conducted by Overtoun Jenda and Peter Johnson, principal investigators and mathematics professors, at Auburn in 1999, 2000, 2005-2008 and 2010-2019.
The purpose of this program is to give participants an authentic experience of mathematical research and aims to recruit minority and female students in an attempt to develop a more diverse workforce. To accomplish this, eight undergraduate participants are selected nationally to complete an 8-week, intensive REU program, where they receive a $4,500 stipend and spend their first two weeks in an in-depth introduction to a selection of open problems and problem areas, after which, they break into groups to work on problems in different areas. Participants will make short presentations in daily seminars of background literature and of progress made, or of obstacles encountered.
Previous accomplishments of this REU and its participants include more than 68 papers appearing or being accepted for publication in books or refereed journals, three papers submitted while others are in preparation. Additionally, eight program alumni are NSF Graduate Research Fellows, one has won the Morgan Prize and five have become Goldwater Scholars.
This year’s program is being held virtually due to COVID-19 and runs from June 1 to July 24. For more information, email Pete Johnson or Overtoun Jenda.
Submitted by: Keri Hesson