
These procedures, and the adherence to Brand Guidelines established by the Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM), should be followed by all Auburn University employees for the procurement of printed material designed and/or initiated by the Auburn community. Following them helps ensure good stewardship of state funds in the area of publications and print material, and timely production and delivery of the material.

Print Approval

Before designing and submitting a printed piece for approval, please review brand guidelines for proper use of Auburn logos and graphic assets.

Submit your item for approval within the Auburn University Brand Center. If have questions, please email

Estimating and Printing

As a state agency, Auburn must follow regulations based on the estimated cost of a printing job. Jobs are categorized based on the cost estimate:

The Print Program Plus (PP+) eliminates the three-quote process for print projects with common specifications. No quotes are required for these items when using the preferred vendor. If a project is outside of the specifications listed, three quotes will be required and awarded based on the original Print Program (PP) method.


Auburn university stationery items (business cards, letterhead, envelopes and notecards) are part of a stationery-specific print contract and do not require an approval form.

The self-service ordering portal is available for business cards at this time. Please visit to order business cards.

We are currently working on adding all other stationery items to the portal. Until they are available for online ordering, please send a request to for all letterhead, envelope and notecard orders.