Email Signature Generator

Use this tool to create your approved email signature for all email correspondence sent on behalf of Auburn University. A consistent email signature conveys professionalism, avoids confusion and shows that we respect and value our brand.

Required fields are noted below (*). After inserting your information and clicking submit, you will be able to view the signature. If you need to change something, simply use the back button at the top of your browser and make changes to the fields, then click submit again. Once you are satisfied with your signature, move on to the remaining steps. The url field can include or your specific college/school/unit url. All social icons are set to the main Auburn University channels; however, you can choose to insert your college/school/unit social channels if applicable. Do not insert personal url or social channels.

Do not add additional elements or personal statements such as quotes, jokes, sayings, promotional statements, personal webpages or links to random outside webpages or blogs. Pronouns as well as official Auburn web addresses that might direct to the university’s diversity statement, vision, mission goals, etc. can be added in after the email signature has been generated. Another exception of text that can be added is “War Eagle.” If you choose to include “War Eagle,” please place as part of your email in the area where you sign your name, before the email signature block.

If you have questions, suggestions or technical issues, please contact

Step 1: Fill out the fields below.

Last updated: October 1, 2024