Creed to Succeed to promote student success and engagement data

Published: September 10, 2020

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Initially launched by the Office of Academic Assessment in 2018 as UNIV 4AA0 University Graduation, beginning fall semester, the educational improvement initiative will now be known as Creed to Succeed. Through a series of university requirements, the course gathers valuable information on core curriculum student learning, campus engagement, student experiences and career outcomes.

Working with academic advisors, Academic Assessment renamed the course this summer to better reflect its core goals, while also providing students with an updated Canvas page and advisors with updated resources and information to efficiently address student questions.

Creed to Succeed requires students to complete four pre-graduation expectations:

1. The Student Core Outcomes and Readiness Evaluation (SCORE)

2. The university’s diploma application

3. The Campus Engagement and Experience Survey (CEES)

4. The First Destination Survey (FDS)

Together the campus engagement and experience and first destination surveys replace the graduating senior survey previously administered to students. By embedding these instruments within the Creed to Succeed course, Auburn can capture data from approximately 98% of graduating seniors each semester. This approach offers the university a representative understanding of student engagement in regard to high impact educational practices and related successes. Once collected, the data can strategically inform institutional, college and program-level decisions.

With the implementation of Creed to Succeed, Auburn is poised to take on the challenge of quantifiably improving student experiences and student success.

Questions about Creed to Succeed should be emailed to

Submitted by: Marisa Singh